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Guilty Love ClubGuilty Love Club

Add Some Sparkle to Your Routine

We've got just the tips and just the leggings.

Hey beauties,

Have you settled into a groove yet with your new routines? Maybe you're working from home, homeschooling your kids, maybe you're frontline and you're working extra hours (we👏🏻appreciate👏🏻you), or maybe you're not working at all (stay strong! We are rooting for you.)

Whatever your routine is now, I get it - it's hard to settle into something different. Because I'm feelin' it too, here's some things that can help.

1. Make a list, check it twice

Well, only check it once, actually, because you'll be making checkmarks when you've crossed off an accomplishment for the day. This is super helpful for working from home, because as we've all probably been discovering, it's much easier to get distracted. If you're not working, your day might just seem like a long stretch of time - write down three goals you'd like to accomplish every day, then check 'em off! It feels good, I promise.

2. Have an attitude of gratitude

No matter how bleak the situation, you can always find something to be grateful for. Maybe it's even just that you're standing on your own two feet. Over time, your brain will literally be rewired to focus on the things that are good in life rather than the bad. It can literally boost your health and give you much more life satisfaction. Don't believe me? There's science! Go ahead, write something down that you're thankful for 💗

3. Get specific
When you're personalizing a new routine, it's good to get specific. That could literally mean scheduling out time in blocks for your everyday tasks. At 7:30, brush your teeth and shower. At 7:45, eat breakfast. At 8:30, answer your emails. You get the gist. Finding a semblance of normalcy can get you back on track.

Also, have ya heard?

It's good to try to keep up those normal habits you were always doing. That means if you had date nights before, you need date nights now! Here's all the tips on how to plan a date night in. (I've definitely been doing this!)

It's that time again: Kelly's Weird & Wonderful Lockdown Life

1. You can still get takeout!

Actually, you still SHOULD get takeout (and be safe doing it!) Local business needs our help now more than ever. Choose your favorite restaurant out there, and give them some support.

2. I did my first runway show in Miami Beach in 1999.

So yeah, I really know how to party like it's 1999. It's always fun to reminisce. 📸

3. I'm appreciating the little things.

In a crazy world, I always look for the sparkle. Literally, even if it's just a pillow, appreciating it makes me feel good.

Speaking of some sparkle...

You best believe that I have been kicking it in these Cosmic Crush leggings. They add some pizzaz to your days.

That's it from me for now.

Embrace Your Body, Love Your Booty.

-Kelly Nishimoto and Team Cute Booty 💗


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